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  • Hong Kong Gift
  • Hong Kong Gift
  • Hong Kong Gift
Ins wind PVC placemat
Size:50.0 cm * 40.0 cm * 1.0 cm
Colour:愛情火烈鳥,條紋火烈鳥,單只火烈鳥,獨角獸花環,樹枝上的貓頭鷹,熱帶植物,十里桃花,黃鸝鳥,超萌貓頭鷹,芭蕉葉,單腳站立的火烈鳥,love life花朵,柳條,格子樹葉,三個仙人掌,沙漠仙人掌,邊框款-圓點,粉底獨角獸,藍紫色古可草,邊框款-火烈鳥,彩繪熱帶植物,和諧生活,卡通-小馬,卡通-小狗,卡通-小鹿,卡通-兔子,卡通-小魚,彩繪芭蕉葉,大理石紋,三隻火烈鳥,小仙人掌,仙人掌大理石紋,卡通-
 PVC placemats, also known as Teslin cloth, have waterproof and UV-resistant functions to make placemats, carpets, curtains, outdoor beach chairs and fabrics. Features include: colorful, wear-resistant, water-resistant, oil-resistant, UV-resistant, non-toxic, etc. Because of the characteristics of PVC mesh, most of the products are used in outdoor leisure products, such as beach chairs, beach beds, outdoor chairs ...  
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Size:50.0 cm * 40.0 cm * 1.0 cm
Colour:愛情火烈鳥,條紋火烈鳥,單只火烈鳥,獨角獸花環,樹枝上的貓頭鷹,熱帶植物,十里桃花,黃鸝鳥,超萌貓頭鷹,芭蕉葉,單腳站立的火烈鳥,love life花朵,柳條,格子樹葉,三個仙人掌,沙漠仙人掌,邊框款-圓點,粉底獨角獸,藍紫色古可草,邊框款-火烈鳥,彩繪熱帶植物,和諧生活,卡通-小馬,卡通-小狗,卡通-小鹿,卡通-兔子,卡通-小魚,彩繪芭蕉葉,大理石紋,三隻火烈鳥,小仙人掌,仙人掌大理石紋,卡通-


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